The public toilets at Helensburgh pier adorned with a banner for the gala day and dog show.

Confused resident disappointed at gala day venue selection

Local News Town centre

A Helensburgh resident got in touch to voice his disappointment with Helensburgh’s Gala Day & Dog Show held in August, calling it “a poor choice of venue.”

“For a start, I had no idea how they were going to cram everything in.” A local man, Arthur (59) told us. “But I like to support these things so I took my dog, Mulder along for the dog show part of it. He’s cautious around other dogs and I was worried it would be bedlam if the disabled toilets were just crammed full of dogs. But there was only me, Mulder and one other person with a dog who told us they weren’t there for the dog show anyway. It was all very confusing.”

“I can’t help but think that the low turnout was because it was a poor choice of venue.” Arthur added.

After making a couple of phone calls to verify Arthur’s complaint, the Helensburgh Adviser can confirm that, despite the possibly misleading banner, the pierhead toilets were, in fact, not the actual venue for Helensburgh Gala and Dog Show. We have informed Arthur of his mistake.