Henry Bell Street bus stop east side

Henry Bell Street’s phantom bus stops frustrate residents

Infrastructure Roads

Bus stops on Henry Bell Street are providing false hope of public transport, residents say.

When Argyll and Bute’s scant resources were spent on resurfacing the sloping street it seemed unlikely that the bus stops, which are thought to have last been used by public transport in the 1960’s, would be included.

However, when the stops on either side of the street were bestowed with a smooth new layer of tarmac it signaled to nearby residents that a local service might resume.

“For years, those of us living on the top half of Henry Bell street have had no access to public transport within a five-minute walk from the house. By that time, you might as well continue into town.” An anonymous homeowner told us. “When those bus stops were resurfaced I had high hopes of being able to catch one right outside my home, but unless it’s ghost buses serving the route I’ve yet to see one.”

A storage container occupying the west side bus stop on Henry Bell Street
A storage container occupying the west side bus stop on Henry Bell Street

As if to add insult to injury, in mid-September a large storage container occupied the bus stop on the west side of the street leaving no room for a bus.

There are other areas of the town enduring a similar level of neglect, of course. If you’re at the far end of Drumfork Road or n Duchess Drive, for example, you’re more likely to see the Loch Lomond seaplane passing overhead than a bus passing by.


After this article was originally published, the storage container on the west side bus stop was removed.